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[AWS-DOP-CO1] CICD Overview

jinkwon.kim 2022. 6. 13. 23:22

Continuous Integration

1. Developer push the code to a code repository often(GitHub, CodeCommit, Bitbucket/ ETC...)

2. A testing / build server check the code as soon as it's pushed (CodeBuild / Jenkins CI/ etc..)

3. The developer gets feedback about the tests and check that have passed /failed


Continuous Delivery

1. Ensure that the software can be released reliably whenever needed

2. Ensure deployments happen often and are quick

3. Shift away from "one release every 3 months" to "5 release a day"

4. That usually means automated deployment

    - CodeDeply

    - Jenkins CD

    - Spinnaker

    - ETC ....


Continuous Delivery VS Continuous Deploy

Continuous Delivery

1. Ability to deploy often using automation

2. May involve a manual step to "approve" a deployment

3. The deployment itself is still automated and repeated!


Contnuous Deployment

1. Full automation, every code change is deployed all the way to production

2. No manual intervention of approvals


AWS Technology Stack For CICD

