vscode에서 코딩시 발생하는 오류들을 정리 합니다.
(ST1017) Yoda conditions
don't use Yoda conditions (ST1017) go-staticcheck
Yoda Conditions: To Yoda or Not to Yoda - Know the Code
Tonya explains the Yoda conditions programming style. She discusses its intent and the problem it seeks to solve. A handy guide and litmus test are included to help you decide when to use it in your programs. Both PHP and JavaScript examples are provided t
programming style일 입니다.
" = "조건식에서 상수, 리터럴 ,함수를 왼쪽에 위치 시키는 programming type 입니다.
비교를 하려고 할 때 할당을 포착하는 것입니다. 변수에 실수로 새 값이 할당될 가능성이 있는 경우에만 사용합니다.
단점은 가독성이 떨어짐.
(S1002) bool 비교 생략 가능
should omit comparison to bool constant, can be simplified to c_in.K8s_system (S1002)go-staticcheck
S1002 발생
if test_var == true {
S1002 발생 안함
if test_var {
Module source못 찾을때
vscode상에서 표기
could not import github.com/astaxie/beego (cannot find package "github.com/astaxie/beego" in any of
/usr/local/go/src/github.com/astaxie/beego (from $GOROOT)
/root/go/src/github.com/astaxie/beego (from $GOPATH))compilerBrokenImport
Error loading workspace: You are outside of a module and outside of $GOPATH/src. If you are using modules, please open your editor to a directory in your module. If you believe this warning is incorrect, please file an issue:
ctrl + , -> gopls -> setting.json에서 편집 -> 아래 항목 추가
"gopls": {
"build.experimentalWorkspaceModule": true,
vscode 재 시작
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